Celebration Sunday


If you missed Celebration Sunday you can fill out an Estimate of Giving Card below.

 Don’t forget to click “Submit” when done.

Estimate of Giving

Estimate of Giving card

Estimate of Giving for 2024

YES! I will pray for St. Simon's and our mission to know Christ and make Him known. YES! I will be part of the ministries of St. Simon's within the walls of the church and outside.
Please list any ministries inside the church (teach Sunday School, serve at the altar, ushers, greeters, altar guild, choir, etc.) or outside the church (service projects such as Elliott Point Elementary School, One Hopeful Place (homeless shelter), Beach Cleanup, etc.). you are interested in.
So we can appropriately plan, I estimate my household giving will be as follows:
Choose frequency first, then amount
Please enter the weekly, monthly, or yearly amount. This commitment may be revised at any time at my request.
Is this your first time to pledge to St. Simon's?(Required)




"From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view...So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!"
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-17